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Kartoffelrohkostsalat Salade

Raw Potato Salad

Potato Gratin is also perfect for very different recipes!

Perfect for using up leftover vegetables.


Für 1 Portion:

  • 300 g Potato Gratin Deluxe
  • Vegetables of your choice, for example:

    – Pepper

    – Carrots

    – Onions

    – Peas

    – Sweetcorn

    – Broccoli


Just follow the preparation steps!
  1. Finely chop the vegetables, ensuring they are still recognisable.
  2. Blanch the vegetables if required or boil and leave to cool.
  3. Mix the vegetables with the Potato Gratin to form a uniform mixture. Broken Potato Slices lend this dish a rustic look.