People, Planet, Potato
These are our 3 core factors. People always come first. What connects Peka Kroef are people: the people who grow our potatoes, produce our products, purchase our products and eat our products. The healthy potato comes second. The potato is our very raison d’être as a business and is part of a nutritional diet for healthy people. The environment is third. A healthy and stable environment is a high priority for a company such as Peka Kroef. Ultimately, the quality of our potato products highly depends on environmental factors and in the long term also on climate change.
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For Peka Kroef, a relationship based on trust with our employees, potato growers, customers and suppliers is extremely important. The sense of family and our company culture provide an ideal foundation for our employees to further develop themselves. We are a responsible employer and invest in training/education, job enrichment, employability and ergonomic workplaces. We work together with various training institutes and furthermore, we are a recognised training company ourselves.

Extreme weather conditions have an impact on the quality and growth of potatoes and as such directly affect our business. This is why the ‘environment’ is an extremely important topic for us. The right choice of crop protection agents, the use of residual heat to heat our offices, the generation of energy from biomass and the reuse of a large part of the water we use are just a few examples that have a positive impact on our environment.

Water and steam are used to process the potatoes into our chilled specialties. This way we preserve the potato’s positive and healthy properties. The potato is a high-quality food. Potatoes contain vitamin C and vitamin B6, as well as smaller quantities of other B vitamins. Moreover, the potato is a source of fibre. All of this, together with its small footprint, means that the potato is a perfect fit in a sustainable world.